10.3 Reporting Results

Performance information should be reported to staff; partners; and ultimately, once performance management has been fully integrated into the office and sexual violence response system practice, the public.

All reports should convey the essential information clearly, and the format should be simple and easy to read. The reports should make use of descriptive labeling, visuals (like charts or graphs), and color (such as traffic-light colors identifying levels of success for each outcome measure). All of this can be accomplished with basic desktop publishing software.

Prosecutors’ offices and their partners should consider what information to report to the public. In the interest of transparency, much of the data described in this volume should be made publicly available.

Information about individual cases, of course, continues to be subject to considerations of victim privacy, confidentiality requirements, and rules of professional responsibility. Be sure that the reported data does not prematurely and inappropriately release information that might jeopardize individual cases. This might be of greater concern to smaller offices with smaller caseloads, where someone might easily identify a particular case based on specific pieces of data. Such identification might discourage a victim from continuing to participate in the criminal justice process or jeopardize the confidentiality of victims who participate in post-disposition surveys.

An office may consider formatting the data into two reports: one for public release and one for internal use. The internal report would likely contain considerably more detail than the public report; these additional details would be used to inform internal decision-making. However, problematic findings should not be hidden from the public and any report detailing them should be accompanied by appropriate explanatory information as well as preliminary plans to address the problem.

Reporting formats can take many forms. The outcome reporting formats shown in Exhibits 10-1 are 10-2 below are two examples.


Exhibit 10-1
Case Outcome (Implementing Prosecution Best Practices) Broken Out by Case Characteristics


Exhibit 10-2
Example of a Summary Sexual Violence Prosecution Performance Report


106 To be more meaningful this measure should be reported by case complexity, case resolution and implementation of promising practices.

107 Since victim feedback will be solicited anonymously this number will not be tracked to specific case outcomes or complexities.

108 To be more useful in helping manage the prosecution workload, this measure, and the next measure, should be reported by number of days since the case was referred to the prosecutor.