This volume was written in partnership by AEquitas, the Urban Institute (Urban), and the Justice Management Institute (JMI). The following individuals authored this volume: Jennifer Long, Chief Executive Officer at AEquitas; Holly Fuhrman, Associate Attorney Advisor at AEquitas; Harry Hatry, Distinguished Fellow at Urban; Janine Zweig, Associate Vice President for Justice Policy at Urban; Elaine Borakove, President of JMI; and Rey Cheatham Banks, Senior Program Management at JMI.
The authors would like to thank the following individuals, without whom this volume would not be possible: Teresa Garvey, Attorney Advisor at AEquitas; Patti Powers, Attorney Advisor at AEquitas; Charlie Whitman-Barr, former Senior Associate Attorney Advisor at AEquitas; Jonathan Kurland, Attorney Advisor at AEquitas; Mary MacLeod, Associate Attorney Advisor at AEquitas; and Jennifer Newman, Assistant District Attorney at the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office.
Above all, AEquitas, Urban, and JMI would like to thank the professionals from seven pilot sites for their incredibly important contributions to this project: Jefferson County, Alabama; Los Angeles City, California; Cobb County, Georgia; Honolulu, Hawaii; Belknap, Carroll, Cheshire, Coos, Grafton, and Sullivan counties in New Hampshire; Cherokee Nation, Oklahoma; and Sauk County, Wisconsin. Their willingness to critically examine criminal justice practices in their jurisdictions and to achieve justice for victims of sexual violence is profoundly appreciated and their contributions to the field of performance management cannot be overstated.
This project was supported by Grant No. 2015-SI-AX-K001 awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication/program/exhibition are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women.