RSVP Volume 1:
An Invitation to Lead

Office and case-level promising practices for the prosecution of sexual violence.

RSVP Volume 2:
Measuring the Response

A comprehensive tool for tracking, measuring, and continuously enhancing the prosecution of sexual violence.

RSVP Appendices

Checklists, charging tools, victim surveys, and other practical guidance to support the prosecution of sexual violence.

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An Invitation to Lead

Volume 1 of the Model Response to Sexual Violence is the cornerstone of SAJI’s proposal for improving the prosecution response to sexual violence.

The RSVP Model is a collection of office and case-level promising practices, identified through research and the experience of both AEquitas staff and partnered prosecutors, that positively impact case outcomes by using measures of success beyond conviction rates.

Measuring the Response

Volume 2 of the RSVP Model provides a performance management system as a tool for offices and individual prosecutors to measure their progress toward achieving intended outcomes.

The Model proposes methodical, routine assessments of prosecution practices and case progression that can be refined as necessary in response to evolving research, emerging issues, or changing conditions in a jurisdiction. It is intended to serve as a comprehensive tool for making decisions on office policy and individual cases of sexual violence.


Prosecution of sexual violence is unlike prosecution of other crimes.

These offenses pose distinct challenges for prosecutors and other professionals responding to sexual assault and often involve uniquely vulnerable victims. The crimes themselves — how they happen, who commits them, who is victimized — are widely misunderstood by those who have not been educated about sexual violence dynamics. Furthermore, the behavior of sexual assault victims in response to the trauma of sexual violence is often misconstrued.

Response in Action 

This page includes videos from practitioners and AEquitas staff describing the Core Principles of the Model Response to Sexual Violence for Prosecutors as well as individual practices that enhance the quality of justice in these cases. Check back for new content and voices.

RSVP Model
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